What`s the scariest movie you have ever seen?

As I am writing this I am about to hit play and rewatch the scariest movie I have ever seen. And I can`t help but wonder why it is that whats scary is so unbelievably objective. When I was younger I never watched scary movies. I didn`t think they were scary or interesting. Also, the predictability was ridiculous.

Later though I have discovered a lot of actually good scary movies, though I still prefer psychological thrillers, with famous actors and directors that manage to keep it interesting. But with all the movies I have seen from “nightmare on Elm Street” to “the house at the end of the street”, the scariest movie I have ever seen, is still to this day, Coraline. I don`t know why. Maybe it`s the creepy button eyes, or maybe it`s the fact that it highlights the fact that we always try to overlook, that we are actually alone in this world. In the words of Kathy Bates in the “P.S I love you” filmation, “we are born alone, and we die alone”.

Side note: I think “Coraline” is the most terrifying movie ever, but my favorite scary movie is forever “Scream”. #zeefunfact. I also LOVE “The House at The end of the Street”, and not just because of the super hot guy.

What`s the scariest movie you`ve ever seen?

Be honest. This is a judgement free zone. Unless you wear crocs. That shit has to end.

Three small ways to get into the christmas spirit today

Number one: Wtch one (or all!) of the movies I mentioned in one of my previous posts  or one of these other amazing movies: Die Hard, Home Alone, Snow Globe or the family man.

My 5 favorite Christmas Movies!:

PS: Christmas specials of your favorite shows also work!

Number two: Do some fun DIY`s! Literally just google, wikihow or pinterest search “chritmas DIY`s” and you will come to find that the possibilities are endless!

DIY Christmas Tree Reindeer Ornaments | Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids to Make | Cheap Handmade Christmas Decorations on a Budget DIY


Number three: Listen to this free podcast of the classic “A Christmas carol” by Charles Dickens! #thanksamazon #notsponsored


My 5 favorite Christmas Movies!

So far this year I have watched a lot of b- made for TV christmas movies. Which is fun. But it`s basically just a warm up for the real game. Which will include, but is definitely not limited to, these movies!


The Grinch

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Probably the most heartwarming and childhood defining movie of all time! I can honestly say that I have never had more nightmares about anything than the Grinches creepy smile (at the age of four, chill), yet it never put me off the movie, so it`s obviously amazing.  If you haven`t seen this movie yet, then what are you waiting for? Leave this post right now and don`t come back until you have. Live your best life! Honestly though, the Grinch is based on the Dr.Seuss story/book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and is narrated so. It is about a grinch who grew up in whoesville feeling like an outcast and left for the mountains, becoming an urban legend. He then returns when an adorable girl named “Cindy Lou Who” convinces him to come accept a reward from the mayor, his rival. After the stressing ceremony, he decides to ruin their Christmas by stealing all their presents and Christmas ornaments and trees with his trusty sidekick- his dog Max. If this isn’t enough to convince you: Cindy Lou Who is played by Taylor Momsen!


“The Smile”. Now gives me sort of creepy tinder guy selfie vibes tbh.

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Momsen av Cindy. Basically a 1980 child beauty pagent contestant.

The Holiday

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Love Actually is cool and all, but I am forever team “The Holiday”. There is just something about this “American-British” best of both worlds things that I really love. And the actors (Cameron Diaz, Judd Law, Kate Winslet and Jack Black) are all just so funny and amazing. I love how the whole movie is built on obvious contrasts and defining similarities. For those of you who haven`t seen it, it`s basically “Rich american with guy problems swaps houses with small town brit with guy problems, both are totally into local guy”. FTR: If you haven`t seen Love Actually, you really should chech that one out as well.

The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause

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Obviously being  human and all I do love the whole “The Santa Clause”-trilogy and I do tend to marathon them every year, but this one is my absolute favorite. All of them are filled with holiday spirit and give me a glimpse of that Christmas joy I felt as a child since the movie is literally taking place on the North Pole. This one is the funniest because it has all of the classic legend characters (like Mother Nature and The Tooth Fairy), most importantly “Jack Frost” which is angry because he does not have his own holiday and tries to steal Christmas. With his sympatic and charismatic personality he sort of gives of the vibes of a Kim Possible villain. Basically, he`s hilarious.

A Diva`s Christmas Carol

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I love this movie for many reasons. Partly because the main character portrayed by one of the coolest and most beautiful actors of all time, Vanessa Williams (AKA Wilhelmina Slater from Ugly Betty, AKA girl power personified). Also because this character is super relatable. Colored diva who only cares about money and success. I don`t want to say me but… *raises hand only partly with shame*. Basically this movie is a modern (well year 2000) remake of Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”, but instead of a business man it`s a famous popstar.

Fred Clause

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Vince Vaughn as the black bitter sheep of the Clause family? Yes, please. Beautiful, relatable, hilarious. Yes, Elf is super funny. But is it “Fred Clause” funny? No.

Anyways, here are a list of my favorite generic christmas movies. Closer to Christmas, when I write about my traditions, I`ll also include the movies we watch here in Norway on Christmas morning (which is the 24th for us).

What movies do you watch every year around christmas?


Hey, nice to meet ya!

I`ve been thinking lately about what makes me engaged in a blog or a youtube channel. And what I`ve realised is that next to pretty pictures (or faces) and great content, what weighs heaviest is the person it self. The vibes and the personality. So I figured that I should probably share a little more about myself on here, and while I`m not going to go in to the boring and dark coners that we all have some of in our lives, I thought I`d just share some light facts about myself, so here we go!




Well, those were a few fun (or perhaps not so fun) facts about me. Does any of this apply to you as well?

Three of the day #8

It literally feels like forever since I`ve posted a “three of the day”, and I`m not sure why, since I really love writing them. I guess maybe at some point I felt that it was ridiculous for me to give others advice when my life is 100 % not together. But my new philosophy is that anyone, literally anyone, has something to offer and can be at least a small kind of guru. And even if you find what I`m writing pointless and unhelpful, I at least hope that you can pick up some positive vibes from it. I personally place vibes very highly, whether it comes to people, movies, artwork or places. Even when I write poems or speeches, I always just go with my instincts and try to follow a certain vibe. I definitely feel like humans haven`t lost the instincts that we see in the animal world, we`ve just stopped listening to it, and I think vibes is an undergroup of this. Like bad vibes to protect you from people you should avoid, positive vibes to give you energy to go about life`s boring or difficult tasks and a sense of purpose, and of course a general feel of all kinds of vibes to create beauty in art, fashion, words and everyday life. Sorry for that painfully long intro, but alas here are “three of the day”.

Advice of the day:

You know how where always advised to not put on too warm clothes in fall and beginning of winter, because when the real cold kicks in, we won`t be able to take are warmth game up that necessary notch to keep us from being in cold wind hell? No? Well, at least we get that tip here in Norway. And it is totally smart! Well, I personally feel like this tip is transferable to Christmas. Christmas is just pure fun, right? So therefore it is super easy to just dive right in. Listening to every Christmas song imaginable, gorging yourself in marzipan, Christmas tree shaped chocolate and holiday specials from Disney. The thing is though, that if you go full blown anti-Grinch from December first, then I almost guarantee that the real Christmas will not feel as special as it could have been, and it will actually be pretty anti-climactic (aka one of the worst feelings ever). However, I also believe in building the Christmas spirit. I mean, from the 22nd it is basically Christmas, and I will refuse to watch any movie without at least one Christmas tree or snow globe. And of course December is the Christmas month. But just take it slow. Instead of watching five Christmas movies every Saturday and Sunday, watch like two a week. Of course I`m not going to give you a detailed plan on how to do Christmas (I`m a narcissist, not a self proclaimed dictator), I just hope that you can “take it slow and let the good times roll”. (Sorry, die hard American Pie fan over here).


Motovation of the day!


Pretty much sums it up for my part!


Fashion tip of the day:

Oversized sweaters! In particular oversized knitted sweaters. It`s winter, which means it is about time to break out those comfortable and warm, yet also super stylish (at least for the most part) giant sweaters! I mean, if warm, big, super cute clothes are wrong, than I don’t wanna be right. Just don’t ever pair it with big, flowy pants or a long, wide skirt. I will die and come back to haunt you. It would be horrible to make any fashion mistakes with this type of piece when there are literally so many different ways to wear it, and so few ways to mess up. Variations include (but are definitely not limited to): pairing it with jeans, leggings, skirt with tights, shorts with tights, tall boots, ankle boots, flats, sneakers, big statement jewelry, with belt (incredible must try), no belt. Note: If you are the one to pull it off, shorts with thin tights (pantyhose) and knee highs or legwarmers is basically mandatory due to unexplained awesomeness and incredible aesthetics.


So that concludes the “Three of The Day” for today. Vibe: Winter, Christmas and exploration.


The secret life of moi

So yesterday I took yet another leap backwards. I went to see the new childrens movie “The secret life of pets”. I have previously written a post were I expressed my love for movies for kids. But I bet you didn`t know that it went so far that I was willing to go see them in the movie theater like som creepy pedo loner. That is my secret life, enjoy.

Haha just kidding. Well not about seeing the movie. I saw it and I loved it. What can I say, I`m a sucker for evil bunnies and movies that don`t last longer than 90 minutes. Also, I`m not a creepy pedo loner. The reason I was there is that I was having some family time. I`m almost 17, which means I`ll be moving out soon and most likely to another country. And my brother is 12 years old, which means he`ll be a bitch teen soon. And I don`t have time to deal with that.

So yesterday I went to the movies with my mom, brother and my brothers friend, because I am that loser. And I`m cool with  that.

I think it`s very cool how we all have these different roles. Like at school I`m the girl who doesn`t care what anyone thinks and gets the top grades. Too my extended family I am the soon-to-be lawyer who is too good for sweatpants (seriuolsy hate them) and refuses to back down in a political discussion. And at home I am the annoying teenager who takes up the shared space, but doesn`t shy away from spending time with her beloved family. Even in public.

And that is, the secret life of moi.


Tbh, I was just going to write about the movie but this post apparently took a life of it`s own. #putting this in the rant section.

Why I love kids movies

Okay, this post was not planned, at all. But I am currently watching the sequel of «Hotel Transylvania” and it is so funny. Honestly, I cannot imagine ever not finding children’s movies fun anymore. And here is why.

(this movie is AWESOME).

First of all, the most obvious reason is of course that they always end well. In other movies I am always aware that something horrible and sad is very likely to happen. And that does not mean that I do not enjoy the movie, but it is definitely more relaxing to watch a movie that is just “all fun and games”. I have to admit that I am a very stressed person in general, so when I watch a movie with a lot of suspense and hints that bad things will happen, I easily get very caught up in it and stressed. But come on, let’s be honest, we all love a happy ending. It is how we grow up after all.

Which brings me to the next point. Growing up is a necessary and fun adventure, but sometimes we need to forget everything about vacuuming, essays and bank accounts. What better way to do exactly that then watch a movie from way, way before all they liberating, yet exhausting  lessons of adulthood ever entered your life. Watching Shrek, 101 Dalmatians or Hercules is as fun know, as it was “back in the days”. Maybe even more so know that you get all the dirty jokes.


Don`t grow up, it`s a trap! (https://www.flickr.com/photos/newtown_grafitti/8889644775 Legally downloaded from Flickr via Google).


This is partly what the third point is built around. Most movies for children are made in this genius way when it comes to humor. Everything is said with such enthusiasm that you just have to laugh at even the stupid jokes. Other than that, the movies are designed to not majorly bore parents and, ahem, older siblings, so they also have a lot of jokes that the children will not understand, but that are funny for the elder. Is it wrong of my to laugh a little too much at Hades slightly sexualized comments like “What we need is curves” (followed by demonstrating hand motions) and “Looks like I just revealed the fore-play”. Okay, it might just be my bad humor, but in general, the principle just stands.


(Love the god, love the character. Legally extracted from this youtube video via google).

As you might know, Hades is made a very interesting and funny character in the Hercules Disney movie. You might also know that movies like this, much like the books for the same age group, are often filled with extremely odd and inevitably hilarious characters. The characters are often so strange that it is not realistic at all. Yet, as I previously mentioned, the enthusiasm and the humor level is so high that it feels believable and often the weirdest characters are our favorites. After all we are the “me” “you” generation. A movie experience is just not complete without establishing which odd character resembles your friend most and which resembles you. Then you have to say “omg, that is totally you” after basically everything the character does. Because, let’s be honest, we are all in reality just weird characters who have our own catch phrases and make horrible, yet hilarious, decisions on a daily basis.


That is why I love children’s movies!

If you are brave enough to admit that you watch these types of movies, and we all know that you do, comment which movie is your favorite and who “you” are!

Top 5 Valentine movies!


Here to give you advice on which movies you should see tonight to celebrate eternal and sweet love, is the very, very single Zee! Ha-ha, all devastatingly true jokes aside, here are five movies I think are perfect for tonight; either you are chilling with your cat, your friends or your boyfriend or girlfriend. Alternatively, leftover cake from the mother’s day dinner like me (mother’s day was today here, I`m not crazy. Well, not on account of that anyways). Back to the point, let’s check out some rom-coms.


(Legally extracted from flickr via google. https://www.flickr.com/photos/foundanimalsfoundation/8448412629)

  1. Notting Hill is my favorite typical and classic rom-com. Partly because Hugh Grant is adorable there, but mainly because British and American culture meet there. And I love both American and British culture. I mean, we all do. Right? Either way, this movie, about a small town brit, and a big time American movie star accidently meeting and falling in love, is perfect for all of us. Single, in love, young, old. Cheesy romantics, or cold hearted bitches as my self. It is cheesily perfect.


  1. The amazing Spiderman. Have you ever seen a couple as in love as Peter and Gwen? Of course you haven`t. If they are not “goals”, I have no idea who are. Of course we all love the original Spiderman, but there is just something about the action and passion of the new ones that just speaks to us on a different level. And the romance, is high!


3. The most beloved character of the 90s in the world of books is also the most beloved character of the early 2000s in the world of movies. Watching Bridget Jones figuring out of life, work and love is the most funny and heartwarming experience. Her clumsy and awkwardness makes us all feel great about ourselves, but also makes us low-key wish we could be her, because she is so sweet and naïve, yet sarcastic and intelligent. Not to mention that she just stumbles around in life getting the hottest guys. Colin Firths adorableness in this movie definitely puts the movie high on the VD list. And Hugh Grants sex appeal makes it perfect for the single ladies who want to believe in love, or at least, lust.


2. Although, more of an epic and game changing movie than a rom-com, Twilight is just so beautifully romantic, and over all beautiful actually, that it cannot be left out of the ultimate VD movie list. For those of you who have been sleeping under a rock for the past years, Twilight is about this intelligent and mature seventeen year old, Bella, who moves from Arizona to a small town in Washington to stay with her father so that her mother can follow her baseball husband on his baseball tours or whatever and be happy. She never fit in with her peers, but there she finds someone who understands her. The mysterious, and absolutely gorgeous Edward. He turns out to be a vampire, and tries to stay away from her, but is unable to. I always make amazing movies sound cheesy and weird, but trust me, it is definitely worth seeing, and even more worth reading!


1.You cannot spell Valentine’s Day without Valentine’s Day, am I right? Possibly the most adorable film ever. The story of several different couples valentine’s day were they keep breaking up, making up, and looking to damn good. This is the kind of magic we get when we put the biggest lot of famous actors and actresses together, including my fav couple of all time (that I am still very sad broke up), Taylor and Taylor, AKA, Taylor!


Happy Valentines!